Taking everything above, “Horizon Line” turns out to be precisely what you would think. After debuting overseas with no one noticing, “Horizon Line” went straight to North American VOD with minimal peeps of publicity in January, a month notorious for “we don’t have faith in this” dumps and “roll the dice” DTVers with little to lose in the first place. Versatile veteran Keith David’s “and” appearance underwrites additional assurance that genre fans will pay attention, and can reasonably count on some semblance of quality or curiosity whenever he is involved. In this case, that one star is Allison Williams, who isn’t a “puts butts in seats” A-lister, yet provides enough of a name that people will at least hear that this film exists. “Horizon Line” comes from STX Films, an indie media company specializing in mid-budget movies anchored around one star. Sara and Jackson pledge “no more goodbyes.” Facing the prospect of drowning as the tide rises around them, Sara and Jackson profess their love for each other. Sara resuscitates Jackson on a small beach. Sara initially leaves Jackson while she swims to the surface, but returns to rescue him.

Sara daringly climbs on the outside of the plane to pour Solomon’s alcohol into the fuel tank. Jackson realizes Solomon’s ethanol-based alcohol can refuel the plane.

Sara rescues Jackson when his tether gets caught. Jackson climbs on the outside of the plane to plug the leak. Samuel directs the couple to fly through a storm toward the mainland, which creates more complications. Forced to improvise while flying the plane themselves, Sara and Jackson make contact with a man named Samuel over the radio. Sara discovers Jackson is taking Freddy’s plane to the wedding too, making for a frosty flight.įreddy dies of a heart attack in midair. Having missed the only ferry to Rodrigues where Pascale’s wedding is taking place, Sara contacts her old pilot friend Freddy Wyman, with whom she previously took a few flying lessons, for a private plane ride. Sara slips out on Jackson again the next morning. After an awkward interaction and argument, Sara and Jackson end up rekindling their attraction and sleep together. Sara encounters Jackson at a pre-party for wedding attendees. At Pascale’s request, Sara picks up a box of homemade alcohol from their friend Solomon. One year later, Sara returns to Mauritius to be maid of honor in her friend Pascale’s wedding. Instead of reconciling their relationship when her time comes to leave, Sara walks out on Jackson in a bar due to her dislike of goodbyes. While vacationing for a year in Mauritius prior to beginning a brand strategist job in London, Sara Johnson has a romance with dive instructor Jackson Davison.